
Monday, December 11, 2006

As I have pointed out, I had reached the conclusion that God's existence was not just a possibility, but was probable. I just did not know what to do with it until I met some Christians who were willing to talk at more than a superficial level. Precluding the question, I had spent time with other belief structures - it was the '60s after all.

I came into the discussion a bit cold as I had never given the Bible that much time. Like many I liked to talk about Christianity (among other views) without ever really looking at the foundation. I learned a lesson here. It is best to go to the source rather than depend on what others say about the subject.

I discovered 4 things that I want to develop in the next four posts. These are unique features of Biblical Christianity.
1. The rise of Christianity and the arrival of Jesus Christ was predicted.
2. The basic tenant of Christianity is that of God reaching out to man rather than man trying
appease God. It is not merit based.
3. Jesus Christ claimed to be God. I know, others have made the same claim. What made this
special is that people took Him seriously and these people were the most rabid mono-theist
people group in history.
4. Christianity offered a guarantee. You could know your standing with God. That was so bold
a claim that I took the time to investigate.

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