
Monday, July 17, 2006

OK, here is the question. How important is it to be known by God?

Those of us with an understanding of Biblical teaching assume the answer is straight forward. What of those who don't accept the Bible and have a picture of God in their mind of a distant, non-personal deity? One who watches from a distance and does not really get involved in His creation could possibly be OK with being ignored. After all He is not all that interested in us.

The puzzle for me of that view of God is that I have never known a truly creative person who was ever satisfied with their work. Always looking for and correcting flaws, the creative one is never at rest. I remember once actually having to take a painting I had comissioned away from a friend because she could not stop refining the image.

Our world is flawed, it would follow that the Creator would be attempting to restore it to His original intent.

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