
Monday, July 17, 2006

Guessing about God; that is what a lot of us do. It may be we want a comfortable image to work with though I suspect most of us just project a bigger version of our selves for the identity of the Supreme Being. That is sad. Sad because it is ultimately self centered and self defeating.

I suppose the rational approach would be to look for evidence that God has revealed Himself. Funny thing, I consider myself a rational person and I never did that. Someone else did the work for me and shared the information. It made sense when they did and I recognized it as truth. One reason is that it made sense while being completely opposite of all the other competing ideas.

Why would we not expect a revelation from God to be unique. Plenty of folks have claimed to have discovered the truth about God, but one stands out as so different (actually kind of strange) as to demand our attention. Why did I not see it for all those years?

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