
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Conspiracies, the realm of black helicoters and tin foil hats, are strangly attractive things. Amazingly, the more bizzare the better. The reality is that conspiracies seldom hold together. There is something in human nature that hates a secret. The truth always comes out. If you are one who believes otherwise, try telling your most scandalous secret to 5 of your most trusted friends and see if it holds.

Well, I did not want to say anything political here, but the flesh is weak. Many speculate that low morals, rejection of God, abortion or any of a myriad of cultural trends will be the down fall of our nation. I suspect it will be a much simpler cause. Yesterday, 48% of the votes cast were for the canidate endorsed by our enemies. Last week Usama Bin Laden offered security to the states that voted against our sitting president and 55.4 million people (knowingly or not) aligned their vote with his offer.

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