
Friday, February 06, 2004

“If you must make a choice between heresy and schism, always choose heresy.” Quote taken from Episcopal Bishop Peter James Lee‘s comments at the annual meeting of his diocese as reported by Chuck Colson.

Bishop Lee was defending his position on the appointment of a practicing homosexual as a Bishop in the Episcopal Church. The philosophical underpinning for his decision in that matter is, to me, the more troubling issue. Truth is knowingly cast aside in the attempt to stay in time with the pendulum of cultural mores. Quite likely, Bishop Lee does not consider his position as really heretical, but is merely using religious language. People often do that as our society today is largely built on secular assumptions; one of which is that religion is not rational and therefore should flex with the times.

I offer this as evidence of how powerful world views are. If we fail to lay the foundation of a proper world view then truth becomes a moving target. Bishop Lee seems to think ideology should be the guide. I don’t happen to believe his world view lines up with reality.

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